Check Out Clairy: Your Choice for Smart and Natural Air Purifier

If you have long been suffering from asthma caused by polluted air, then air purifier is something that you will need. Unfortunately, traditional air purifiers are either bulky or pricey, so many asthma patients choose to rely on medication to ease their symptoms. Luckily, an Italian startup recognizes asthma patients’ needs for an affordable and smart air purifier, so they begin to research about ways to design a natural and smart air purifier. The result is a smart IoT flowerpot, Clairy, that functions just as good as traditional air purifiers. TechDesign finds this prototype very innovative, so we want to share it with you all.
A smart, natural and affordable IoT prototype
One of the unique features of the air purifier is how it uses a real plant to purify air, but the whole flowerpot also relies on the power of technology to make it smart. The way that the whole design works is that the fan will direct air in the environment to the roots of the plants, then the air will be purified. Of course, the fan will be controlled by a complementary technology unit. The built-in sensors will keep examining the air quality, and data will be sent to mobile devices. Users will receive real-time updates through Clairy’s app.

In a way, the flowerpot filters out the toxic elements in the air and lets you breathe in the cleaner air that comes from the pot. Additionally, the complementary technology acts as an alarm when the sense that the air quality is bad. It goes as far as offering you tips on adjusting and improving air quality. According to the Clairy team, the flowerpot is capable of cleaning up 80% of a heavily polluted room (36 cubic meters) within 30 hours. How amazing right!
The smartphone app that comes with Clairy not only sends analyzed data to users but also manages the fan and offers tips to users. If you wish, the app also allows users to communicate with other smart home devices. Additionally, the pot itself is made of ceramic in Italy, so it is both aesthetically appealing and environmentally friendly. Last but not the least, Clairy has been strictly tested at one of Europe’s most prestigious research labs, so the effectiveness of the system is proudly acknowledged by experts.
If you also find Clairy amazing and want to learn more about it, then check out their profile on Kickstarter and show some support. Great products like Clairy deserves more support from us. And in case you prefer a more interactive introduction of the smart flowerpot, here is a video from Clairy:
(Via Alessio D’Andrea on Youtube)
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