3 Reasons Why Hardware Manufacturing Needs a Transition
You may have heard this notion being repeated over and over again by friends working at hardware startups: hardware manufacturing is hard. It has also been a topic that is discussed repeatedly by different media outlets, but while the problems are being identified, we don’t really seem to have a set of solutions to them yet. Instead of solving the root causes of the problem, we have only repeatedly warned startup enthusiasts and entrepreneurs to avoid making products that are pure hardware. As a team that strives for offering solutions to this very problem, TechDesign hereby wants to share with you all 3 reasons why hardware manufacturing needs a transition.
Endless partner searching
It is no secret that searching for the right designer for hardware projects is often one of the toughest tasks during the hardware manufacturing process. Traditionally, startup owners either have to look through hundreds of IDH websites or physically fly to the scene to knock on different IDHs’ doors. If they are lucky, this process can be done within a week or two, but imagine how much time and money they might have already spent up to that point. Even if they find the right IDHs, they still have to spend some time to establish that mutual trust. Imagine if there is one portal that can directly connect the two sides and match their needs, it will certainly help cut a huge part of the work off startup founders’ to-do lists. This is exactly what TechDesign is offering, a platform that connects startup owners to manufacturers worldwide.
Concerns over payment security
Traditionally, there is no effective solution to ensure that the money startups paid will be perfectly reflected in the final products that they receive. For the lucky ones, the final products that they receive can live up to their expectation. However, there is no shortage of cases where the startups either don’t receive the products they are expecting or the quality of the final products turns out dramatically different from what they have expected. Startup owners almost can’t avoid bearing in mind the risks that they need to take while waiting for their products to be manufactured. However, there are existing payment methods, like the escrow payment service, that can help to solve this problem. That is exactly what TechDesign offers on our platform. We will hold the payment submitted by startups and only release it to IDHs until the deliverable is approved by startups.
Lack of security for product ideas
It seems inevitable to avoid product idea dissemination in the age of information explosion. The downside of developing a hardware product is that it takes more time to develop but less time for it to be known by competitors. Often when startups are ready to rollout, there may also be 2 to 3 similar products ready to hit the market. The lack of security for product ideas is a mutual pain shared by many hardware startups. In order to beat competitors to the punch, they also run the risk of releasing products that are not perfect. So the ways to prevent this? More effective project management that speeds up the manufacturing process and that is also what TechDesign is dedicating to, streamlining the hardware manufacturing process so startups can avoid wasting too much time and resources along the way.
The 3 reasons above may seem very hard to change, but with the help from a platform like TechDesign, it is no longer something that’s unimprovable. If you are eager to learn more about what differences can TechDesign bring to you and your experience with hardware manufacturing. why not check out the platform and begin to get familiar with it by registering on it.
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